High-heeled footwear - Wikipedia

High-heeled footwear - Wikipedia

Elizabeth Semmelhack, curator for the Bata Shoe Museum, traces the high heel to male horse-riding warriors in the Middle East who used high heels for functionality, because they help hold the rider's foot in stirrups. She states that the earliest high heel she has seen is depicted on a 9th-century AD ceramic bowl from Persia.

High-heeled footwear - Wikipedia

High heels are a type of shoe in which the heel, compared to the toe, is significantly higher off of the ground. These shoes go beyond simply protecting the foot from the ground or improve efficiency of walking. High heels make the wearer taller, accentuating the calf muscle and the length of the le...

High-heeled footwear - Wikipedia


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source : High-heeled footwear - Wikipedia